Friday, July 23, 2010

Is Facebook Ruining Friendship As We Know It?

The text I chose to read was an article I found in the Arkansas Weekly called the The Facebook Dilemma by Archie Lewellen.

In the beginning of the article he talks about the nineties and the huge technological boom during that decade. He also talks about how during our lifetime we have went through a wide spectrum of technology. For example, most people my age have gone from a Walkman portable CD player to an apple iPod touch.

He then begins to talk about all the ways people nowadays can communicate. We have several ways to keep in touch aside from cell phones, like Twitter, Myspace and the most popular Facebook.

Then he begins to get into the issue of Facebook, which is that we are using it to socialize then actually seeing people and hanging out with them. He talks about that we can go for weeks without speaking to our friends because we know exactly what the other i doing. I can relate to this, because I talk to my friends on Facebook all the time and days will go by of not actually seeing them.

He brings up that Facebook is not ruining the term best friends, but it is redefining it. I agree instead of only interacting with our friends when we are with them, we can actually be interacting with them twenty-four seven hours a day!

At the end of the article he says is Facebook good or bad. His response is that it is both good and bad. I agree with him that Facebook is good and bad. It’s good because it keep you connected, but then its also bad because you can forget to actually go outside and be with your friends.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

"If You're Out There"

The text I chose to read, was a song by one of my favorite singers,John Legend. It's called If "If You're Out There". This song is one of those songs that touch your heart and make you smile.

"The future started yesterday and we're already late." I think that this part of the song means that we should have already started working on a brighter future, but we are just living in the present.

In the chorus he says "If you're out there, sing along with me" He later says " If you're out there, tomorrow's starting now" This part means that If anyone wants to make the world a better place then stand up and do something, and that we can't wait, that we have to start now.

"No more broken promises. No more call to war. Unless it's love and peace, that we're really fighting for. We can destroy hunger. We can conquer hate. Put down the arms and raise your voice. We're joining hands today." This part tells us[the human race] all the things that we can do if we work together to achieve them.

The rest of the songs talk about we can do anything together and that we have to start now.

The singer John Legend is a huge humanitarian, he just won a huge award for his work overseas to gain peace, end hunger, and end poverty. This song is just another way he is pleading with the rest of us to take action and start solving global problems.

This song touched my heart and made want to start helping the world. I can't go to the poverty stricken areas, but I do donate money to an organization that helps, and yes it is legitimate.