Friday, December 18, 2009

Julius Caeser

My English class had to read Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. The Book is basically about how a group of men decide to kill Caesar and try to justify their actions.

Even though the book is titled Julius Caesar, the story focuses more on Brutus. Brutus and a few other men are angered by Caesar. So they decide to kill him. After they kill Caesar, the men must now find a way to show the people that killing Caesar was imperative to Rome's well-being.

The style of the book is in classic Shakespearean writing. He uses Iambic Pentameter. He also uses Old English. Which, I guess, was just plain English back when the play was written.

The story is set during the ancient Roman Empire, around 44 B.C.. We get a glimpse of the society in the book too. The book shows how women were looked upon in those days. The book also talks about traditional events like, The Feast at Lupercal.

I would not recommend this book to people who enjoy light-hearted books. I also wouldn't recommend this book to people who don't like challenges when they read. Trust me this, book is a challenge. I had to look up meanings to a lot of words. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy really deep and challenging books.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Book Review: She Said Yes

Stories, like this one, reaffirm my faith in God. This book is one of the two books that have actually made me cry. Misty Bernall's She Said Yes inspired me with its story of a present day martyr.

The book is about Cassie Bernall's life before the tragic shooting at Columbine High School. The author Misty Bernall is Cassie's mother. In the book she talks about Cassie's past. I was shocked to read about the letter Cassie and her friends wrote about killing people. I was also shocked to read that she was so unruly, and that she hung out with a terrible group of kids. The best part was reading about how Cassie had gotten saved and started going to her church willingly.

I like how the book is set up. Most of it is written by Misty Bernall, but some parts were written my Cassie's Dad. Other parts were letters from friends that talked about the memories the shared with Cassie before she died. Even though sometimes I would get confused on who was telling the story, I like how it had different points of view on Cassie.

I would recommend this book for everyone. Anyone male or female would appreciate this book. The book really makes the reader think about what they would say if they were in Cassie's situation. She showed so much courage. I still don't what I would say, yes or no.

Book Review, Ana's Story: A Journey Of Hope

Jenna Bush's book, Ana's Story: A Journey Of Hope tugged on my heart with its message of hope.

The book is based on on work Jenna Bush did with UNICEF, but names and places have been changed to protect their identities. Part of the book is in the author's point of view and the other part is in Ana's point of view.

Ana was born with HIV, she transmitted it from her young mother, who died from AIDS when Ana was three years old. Her father has AIDS, but he died later, when Ana was in sixth grade. Ana had a sister who had AIDS and died when she was a month old. Ana also had another sister, Isabel, who luckily wasn't infected with the disease. The only family who could afford to take care of Ana and Isabel was their abuela. Life with their abuela is terrible, the girls encounter abuse. So they get moved around from home to home. Sadly the sisters get separated for a few years. Meanwhile Ana falls in love, and becomes pregnant. The book goes into great detail about her struggles.

Most of the story takes place in a poor area of the city, often referred to as the barrio. Bush really gives a good depiction of how the neighborhoods look, when she talks about the tin houses and dirt roads. Also when she talks about how dogs, chickens and horses roamed freely on the streets.

This story really hit home with me. Even though no one in my family has HIV/AIDS, I'm from Africa and that is a huge problem there. So this story just made want to help make educate people about the virus.

I would recommend this book to anyone. I feel like females would enjoy it more. I believe that there millions of Ana's in the world. So this book really gave them a voice, and let their story be heard.

How To Be Wendy Miya

Our English Class had to read a book , The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens. The book is like a guide to become a more effective teen. I decided that I would give a few tips on how to be me, Wendy.

1) The first step is you must become a swaggasorus rex. That means you have to be confident. You have to be sophisticated. You have to be cool under pressure. This should be displayed in the way you walk, talk, and dress. Thus earning you respect. Also when you wake up in the morning make sure you turn your swag on.

2)The second step is to always have a song stuck in you head. This will make your day brighter, and easier to get through. This will also help you with your swagger, because then you can walk to the beat of the song.

3)The third step is to never let people get you down. Yes, there are times that I get my feelings hurt, but I have to keep moving and not let it affect my self-esteem. So as your guide through this extremely short journey, I say "STAY POSITIVE."

4) Do not care what people think of you. If you feel like singing Hairspray songs in the hallway, go for it. Don't not do something, because you're scared of what your peers are going to say. It's important to be aware of how people perceive you though. There's a difference between walking to the beat of your own drum, and being over the top with your actions. Maybe pretending to be High School Musical was a bad example.

5)Make sure you can laugh at yourself. I have had some very embarrassing moments in my life. I have learned that the best way to get through them, is to laugh at yourself, or you will cry your eyes out. That will deduct major swag points.

If you apply these steps to your life you will be closer to being like me, but nothing is as good as the original.

On a serious note, if you really do apply some of these steps, you might have a little more self- confidence. Even if at first you fake the confidence, sooner of later the confidence will be real. Then you will enjoy life, like me, Wendy

What Makes A Leader A True Leader

When I think of the word, leader, so many things come to mind. For example, people like Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Jesus, and Nelson Mandela. People like Adolf Hitler, Kim Jong Il, and Fidel Castro come to mind as well. There are many types of leaders and leadership styles in the world. There are monarchies, dictatorships, republics, theocracies, and autocracies. Preachers, teachers, and even parents are leaders, even though how they lead is less publicized. I think that there are only two types of leaders in the world, leaders who make a difference for the better and leaders who do not. I want to focus on the true leaders, the ones who make the world a better place.

Honesty, confidence, responsibility, enthusiasm, reliability, patience, decisiveness, determination, loyalty, and courage are all vital qualities a leader must have.

Honesty- If a leader is not honest, then people won't trust the leader.

Confidence- A leader must have confidence in everything they do. It kind of goes back to the trust, if a leader doesn't trust them self, then why should people trust them?

Responsibility- A leader should be accountable, not only to the people, but to them self as well. So they should hold them self responsible for their actions, and not blame other people for their mistakes.

Enthusiasm- A leader should be excited about whatever they are doing. If the leader is excited, then the followers will get excited. Enthusiasm is contagious

Reliability- A leader should always be there when someone needs them. Also if a leader says they are going to do something, then they should do whatever they said they were going to do. It all about TRUST.

Patience- Honestly, who wants a leader that blows up at people all the time? Who wants a leader that never takes time to things carefully, because they don't want to take things slow? That's right, no one does. So a good leader must have patience.

Decisiveness- A leader should always make a decision and stick too it. No one wants to follow someone who is always changing their mind. People want stability.

Determination- A leader should always finish what they start. A leader must NEVER give up, no matter what the obstacles are.

Loyalty- I feel like this one is a big one. It goes back to the trust thing too. People want a leader they feel will stick the tough times out with them. People don't want a leader who will leave them, when the road gets a little bumpy.

Courage- A true leader must have courage. A leader must be strong enough, to stick with their followers. They must be strong enough to make decisions, and admit their mistakes. They must be strong enough to keep going, when the future looks bleak.

What's In A Name

Noluthando Wendy Miya is the name my parents bestowed upon me the day I was born. My parents said they named me Noluthando, which means God is love in the Zulu language, because God loved them so much that he blessed them with a child. My mother said she named me Wendy after a South African R&B singer, Wendy Mseleku.

The name Wendy means light-skinned, blessed, and Friend. It is said the the name was created by J.M. Barrie , the author of Peter Pan. The name Wendy serves as the word friend, and is inspired by childish lisps. The name Wendy describes me very well, because I have a lot of the traits associated with the name. For example, people with the name Wendy are self-sufficient, have a lot of confidence, and have boundless energy. However, obstacles and frustration make them feel impatient and intolerant. That describes me, because I am very independent and I like doing things for myself. I also get very impatient when situations do not go my way.

There isn't a lot of history behind the name Noluthando. The name is African, specifically from the Zulu tribe.

Even though my name actually fits my personality, I don't think that the name makes a person, I think the person makes the name.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Teens

"This book is gonna be terrible!" That is what I said in my head when Mrs Gillmore announced that our class was going to read Seven habits. After I read the first chapter I realized that the book wasn't so bad. I actually ended up enjoying the book and applying the tips to my life.

Sean Covey's The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Teens changed my whole outlook on different aspects of life.

One of the chapters that really helped me was the Seek First To Understand, Then Be Understood chapter. It helped me because I would listen to people, but I wouldn't truly be listening. I was an avid advisor, turns out I wasn't really helping people like I thought I was. The book taught me the mirroring method. The book also said that mirroring isn't mimicking, but it is actually trying to truly understand what the other person is saying by repeating the meaning, not the words.

One of the Habit that I still need to work on is the Sharpen The Saw-Brain. I have a problem with blowing off homework for watching television and getting on the computer. That is the biggest reason I never make the grades I want to make in school.

This book should be read by every teenager on the face of the Earth. Sean Covey wrote this book in an easy to understand and humorous format. So there isn't really a dull moment in the book. The tips in this book are great and teenagers can actually apply them to their lives. It may be hard at first, but the overall outcome is worth the struggle. I really believe this book will be beneficial to anyone who may read it

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Top Ten Things I'm Thankful For

Thanksgiving Is a one of those holidays where people are just worried about where they are going, what they are going to prepare, what they are going to eat. Those are important aspects of that day, but they shouldn't be our main focus. I admit that I am one of those people that get caught up in the holiday hype, but at the end of the day I always take the time to reflect on my many blessings. I also take the time out to thank my loved ones. So right now I want to take the time to say Thank you to Everyone. Below I have a top ten list of the things I am thankful for, these are not in any particular order.

1. Home- I do enjoy a house to call home.

2. Family- I like having a family to spend my time with and to share memories with.

3.Friends - My friends are a big part of my life, and even though I don't say it all the time, I am thankful for them.

4.Ipod- Even though an Ipod is a material possesion, it is a HUGE part of my life and takes my music wherever i go.

5. Music- I am thankful for music. Music is my life and I must listen to and make music, or I can not live a full life.

6.Cell phone- I know a cell phone is a material possesion, but I am very thankful for cell phones. They keep us connected, and entertained. They are amazing.

7.Clothes- I am very thankful for the clothes on my back. Clothes are so much fun. I love them.

8.Shoes- Some people would say that shoes are in the clothes catagory, but i disagree. Shoes are in a different caliber then clothes. Shoes are great. They are a great additon to an outfit. I love shoes, they are my favorite item to shop for.

9.Cars- I am thankful for cars because if we didn't have them, we would have to walk everywhere, or ride horses. That would not be very fun.

10. Teachers- I am thankful for teachers, because they teach us and prepare us for our future. I just want to say that they are doing a great job with me becuase I have a bright future ahead of me.

Some of those items in the list may seem shallow, but I am thankful for those things. At least I don't take those things for granted, like some people do. Everyone should be thankful for everything they have, everything we have can be taken away from us in a split second.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Book Review

Nancy Osa's Cuba 15 was a cute and funny story.

Violet is the main character. She has just turned fifteen and her Abuela wants to throw her a quinceanero. The party is supposed to be traditional, but Violet isn't so sure she wants it that way. During the story Violet starts to ask questions about her cuban culture. It isnt easy because talking about Cuba is a touchy subject.

I enjoy the way Nancy Osa writes. This story was funny and laid-back. The story isnt the kind of story that stresses the reader out, everything kind of just flows.

This story reminds me of the old MTV series Sweet Sixteen. In this episode a girl who was Cuban threw a quince, and she really didn't know much about her culture either. She didn't bother to ask questions though.

I felt like this book taught me to always ask questions about my culture.

I would DEFINITLY recommend this book to anyone. The story is funny, but not funny in a way that the story doesn't send out a message. I really enjoyed the story, and I think that many people would enjoy it also.

277 Pages

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

H.G. Wells' The Time Machine shocked me with it weird, but entertaining story.
The Time Traveller is the main character. He is a very animated character. He has a wide range of emotions. He ha a huge temper tantrum when an unfortunate event happens. There are two groups of people from the future. They are the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi live above ground, and look more like humans. The Time Traveller spends more time with them, he even learns a little of their language. The Morlocks live underground, the have more ape-like features. The Eloi are very scared of the Morlocks.
The story takes place in a village, in the future. The Eloi and Morlocks live in this area. This place where the story takes places has huge buildings, tall columns, and a wooded hill-side.
The story reminds me of a show I used to watch when I was younger called The Time Warp Trio. The show was about three kids who would travel through time, and end up in sticky situations.
Finally, this book was better than i though. I ended up enjoying the story. I thought I was in for a boring ride. To tell the truth, I would not recommend this book to my friends. This book is the type of book that does not need a recommendation because everyone will have to read it in English class.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Book review

She's changed her style, but her roots are showing. Katie Jameson left Brooklyn for Manhattan the first chance she got. Her two worlds collide when her best friend Bina needs her help. Olivia Goldsmith's Dumping Billy lured me in with its wit and charm.
The story is based in Brooklyn and in Manhattan. The way Olivia Goldsmith describes the two different Burroughs makes me see the differences in my head. Like when Katie is talking about the little garden outside her apartment window and then she later compares it to Billy's garden in Brooklyn. She talks about how big, beautiful, and lush it is.
The book has some comedy. For example Brice and Elliot, Katie's Manhattan friends, always made comments about Katie's Brooklyn friends, that would make me laugh out loud. There was also some dramatic moments especially when Katie's heart is broken by a mystery man.
This book reminds me of a song by Demi Lovato called Two Worlds Collide. The song talks about the struggles of a persons two different worlds coming together. It kind of describes what Katie is going through.
The main character Katie is a psychologist who works at a private school. In this book she struggles to keep her Brooklyn and Manhattan friends separate,with no avail. She also just cannot seem to find Mr. Right. She Learns to be honest with how she feels. Elliot, Katie's Manhattan best friend, works with Katie at the School. When Katie's needs cheering up, he knows just what to say to make her feel better. He always has a trick up his sleeve, he came up with the dumping billy plan. Bina, Katie's Brooklyn best friend, desperately wants to get married. She goes through a lot of turmoil before she reaches that goal. Billy Nolan is the guy that shakes up everybody's world.
Finally This book took me through an emotional roller coaster, But I enjoyed every page. I would recommend this book to any teenage to young adult female, who enjoys romantic comedies. I had never heard of Olivia Goldsmith before I saw this book in the library, but I will definitely read more of her books.

Page Total 323

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

To many chiets, not enough indians

This labor day weekend I had so much fun. I went camping for the first time ever, and it was great. So I thought when i'd come back to school that I would be relaxed and ready to come have a great shorter week. That is not what happened when I came back tuesday. Well, actually i had a pretty okay day, but after school band was just crazy. My section is just crazy, we fight constantly, and I can't stand it. No one can ever agree so its constant bickering on who is right and who is wrong when it comes to the formations. The section leaders, who shall remain nameless. constantly undermine eachother. So me,as the subordinate I don't know which one to listen to, and that is frustrating when Matthews is breathing down your back all day long. Then 0ther people think that they are the section leaders so they have to put their two cents in, trying to tell people what to do. IT IS JUST TOO CRAZY FOR ME. Added on top of the inside section civil war, Matthews is always yellling, and i'm lilke, "sir that's not gonna fix anything." On top of that some people straight up stink at marching, but wont work hard to fix it. I felt like walking out yesterday at that practice and never looking back on that field, but then I realized that all of this stress is going to be worth it when that big 'ol trophy is on our bus.