Thursday, May 20, 2010

Migrant Mother

Migrant Mother is a series of photographs taken by Dorthea Lange of a woman and her children. Lange was following farm laborers.

When I saw the pictures I just felt bad for this woman and her children. I saw the pain in the woman's eyes. I could also see that she was trying to stay strong for her children. Her facial expression showed that she had so many emotions swirling in her. She was scared and desperate, but she also had determination on her face. It was as if she wasn't going to let her situation beat her.

In one of her pictures the woman had her wedding ring on. For most people living in poverty, the ring would be one of the first things to be sold for money. However this woman decided to hold on to hers. I think she did this so she could remind herself that there were better days and better days to come.

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