Friday, April 30, 2010

TIme For Celebration!!

I am a big celebrator. I like to celebrate them all the time. Even if I do something small like make my bed, I throw a small dance party in my room.

I would never make goals if after i achieved them I couldn't celebrate. That would just be a terrible existence, to do so much, but afterword you just pretend like nothing happened.

Now, when I say celebrate I don't mean having a huge extravagant ball. You could do anything to celebrate, you could go out to dinner, sit and revel in your awesomeness(not an actual word lol), actually have that dramatic ball, or just take a break. The choice is yours, but a celebration must always be had.

I cannot even think of a time I had a celebration, because I am such an avid celebrator. I just celebrate all the time. I do throw a lot of mini dance parties in my room.


  1. Are this mini dance parties by yourself?

  2. What, do you want an invitation Spencer? lol
